“Understanding the Winds of Change”

What is presently happening and what to expect in the many tomorrows
We are exercising our rights as Gods and Goddesses to speak of a matter that almost no one on the planet is aware of. We know that the more people are able to understand all that is really happening, and are truly desirous of doing so, the more clearly and freely they can make important life-defining decisions. Our focus with this writing is about two separate but distinct energies that may be thought of as in opposition to one another, yet the anomaly here is that in a another sense, they are working in tandem. They are from both sides of the Life Force equation. Although this may not be what you might expect this article to be about, we consider it to be a necessity; one that needs to be discussed due to its paramount importance in your ability to maintain your wellbeing and your willingness to be steadfast in your consciousness. In this manner everyone can contribute to the collective consciousness and be active participants in the continual momentum of the upward spiral of the ascension process. This occurs by bringing certain facts into awareness. Everyone knows all matter is energy; yet the nature of energy is that it can exist in its own state of awareness and befuddle people, simply by not doing anything to call attention to either its progression, or to any regressive state it may enter. Energy can change itself at any given moment. Oddly enough, most people do not want to know what is happening energetically unless they believe it can affect them individually. We suppose this behavior is not really odd, rather it is self-serving.
We are here to tell you that everyone should consider energetic matter that is affecting all forms of consciousness, as “INDIVIDUAL.” No one man, woman or child, is more important than another. What affects one person CAN and WILL affect all others on one level or another. Think of this as an upgrade to “The Chaos Theory.” This planet responds in great measure to the thought forms, emotions and actions or non-actions of every living person here. These are but examples of energy used or not used in beneficial fashion. At the very end of 2005, a different energetic presence began slowly at first, to build up a momentum and began to be swept around the planet, carried in the wind. On New Year’s Day, 2010, it assumed a place of great prominence here and has not abated. Rather, it is growing exponentially every day. For every action there is a reaction – however, for every non-action there is still a reaction. Over the last few years, as the world’s economy began to publicly show signs of decay and the possibility of imminent breakdown, the very action of the economic factor coupled with the beliefs and lifestyles of every person they affected, which is everyone, caused massive cracks to form within the slickly designed mental and emotional veneer of civilized people.
Still, even in mid-2009 people were continuing to force themselves to believe in all the political, religious and media hype that was then and still is now, attempting to portray this world’s conditions as, “merely a recession.” So people accepted a placebo and missed what was going on right under their noses as Terra increased her dance of change. One of the energies that was birthed and then became borne in the winds, is composed of the dying, former way, of life. This energy is strong, violent and contains a magnetic core that attracts all other similar energies. In the core of its being, it contains “the silent scream.” This scream is composed of all lesser emotions, all unjustifiable anger, hatred, bigotry, the death throes of the dark energies and above all else…FEAR. This energy is as real as you are; it was impossible for this powerful force NOT to become a reality on the planet. The essence of all Creative force is the ability to formulate, sculpt, mold and materialize matter until the substance formed complies to an exact parallel reality of a situation AT ANY GIVEN TIME. Example: laughter that may be heard on the telephone during a conversation with a person loved and respected by you. That laughter energy then sends particles of itself out to the world as well as into the ethers, immediately connecting on a super conscious level with people, places and animals across the planet, who are ON that same level of energy. The same is true if the situation is reversed and the caller is glum, angry, hateful, or just plain obnoxious.
If you encounter a stranger on the street and that person looks at you balefully, how you will react AT THAT MOMENT will define the EFFECT that energy has upon you. Still and all, even if you yourself do not react, perhaps other than with a bit of a wince, that other energy will still locate the identical or similar energies elsewhere. Think of it as a different type of airborne illness. This is the way it has always been under the auspices of the Universal Law of Cause and Effect. What is different today is so because of the changing, cleansing and purifying process taking place here under the guiding Light of NESARA. All that has ever plagued this planet and the people of this world MUST ALSO ALTER COMPLETELY. Here is our list of many of the things this dying energy is presently doing and will continue to do:
In a way, this energy is a simpatico one; it functions as a balancing of the equation, the choices made between life and death. As it sweeps across the planet to gather all similar frequencies, vibrations and thought forms from all people everywhere, its focus is on gathering “all what used to be accepted, but is not appropriate anymore.” We will speak of the “down side,” later. Each aspect of matter being gathered carries the trailers and streamers these “scooped up” living forces carry within them. So, those who are overwhelmed by their own perspectives of the agony of defeat, of loveless life, of poverty and alienation from others they once loved, deteriorating health problems and those who simply do not care anymore, are among the others who no longer want to be here, they are the ones that leave the planet. Some had already amended their Soul Contracts to fit this occasion; others simply would rather not attempt to be part of what they erroneously believe are, the end times.
People who already are, or will soon be corrupt, dark and dangerous, are also being picked up by this dying energy wave. The dark energies and their own corresponding trailers have been among the first to be “taken” since this energy revealed itself. Obviously, considering the millions and millions of people here, it means that not only the dark energies, BUT all the other people they have tainted and those individuals who are attempting to taint others, are also caught in this particular Wind of Change. Dark energies have been scrambling to bring down as many people as possible now, more so than at any other time in Earth Star history. The irony here is that although the dark will try to invade and consume a Light body to the point of physical death to the light body, when the lesser energies are entrapped within this wave, they are aware that they too will perish, with or without a host to feed off.
The dark that are still not yet picked up by the wave are hastily looking for mental and Spiritual fractures, all of the splintering effects in a person. They are very, very good at this. When they find it they hammer away at it creating an abyss in the mind, body and Spirit. It is a dark dismal place, this ancient now former way of living, that many, otherwise good people, are still inhabiting. Some of these types of people are in the throes of dis-organized chaos and some are in the throes of organized chaos. Ultimately, there can be only one left standing. Until then however……..Those people who only pay lip service to Creating change and living the good changes, then decide to stop moving forward, are also being caught in the net. It is a very BIG net!
Tentacles of darkness can reach out into many directions at once. This is also true about people who have become ensnared in lower based energies. They can quite effectively taint an entire crowd and not even know they are doing it. Of course, there are some who do know they are doing this because it is a part of their conscious intent. This energy wave is so intense that the very voraciousness of the winds that carry it, are unlike any winds that people here have witnessed before. Here is the “down side” – as the winds continue to gain momentum, it will also continue to carry away all those people, places, animals and things, that cannot remain in the eye of the storm. It requires great courage to be there, yet it is the safest place to be. Everyone, and we do mean everyone, who refuses to relinquish the former life and lifestyle will leave the planet. Talking about love and Light is not enough. Talking is not “doing.” Living CHANGE is what is necessary.
“Change” means a complete overhaul of what has been and transfiguring it to become a true part of the NESARA wave. We told you that the dying energy wave performs a vital function because it is part of the balancing act, and part of the Life Force equation. By the same token there are millions of people who have joined the collective consciousness and are scrambling to assimilate more light and be one with the NESARA Wave. The NESARA wave has been bringing and will continue to bring – acceptance and true understanding of the Jesus The Christ Consciousness and this wave will assist the people in their ability to change, even if these peoples’ abilities are latent at this moment. Everything now is at critical mass; everything now depends on each individual here on the planet. NESARA of course can continue on with only a few people left here, but she would rather see many, many, more people surviving and rising above these challenges. After all, “If the people do not change, it does not matter what the governments do or do not do…the human race would fail itself.”
There is a huge in-pouring of Light to this planet from other civilizations. There are massive magnetic coils placed all over this world that are generating Light and helping to stabilize this world and prepare her for the next leap in human evolution. In effect they are assisting all of us to fulfill our destinies. We did NOT say they will do it for us! The winds of NESARA are every bit as powerful and uncompromising as the dying winds of change are. NESARA’S presence is felt as, “a powerful magnetic coil of extremely high energetic mass integrating with mind, body and Soul, while bringing great clarity and peace to the person experiencing this wave.” NESARA and the dying energy winds work hand-in hand, each is on a mission that causes each wave to overlap the other. In this manner, nothing and no one shall remain unscathed or untouched. This also means that no good Soul shall go unnoticed by NESARA and these Souls shall not become integrated with the dying energies, unless of course those people choose to change and decide to succumb to their fears. This is where things can get a bit tricky. Because these two winds of change are so powerful, each has the ability to influence or attempt to influence people and animals that are the direct opposite of each particular wind that is hovering around them. Really good people who are maintaining their determination to be anchored securely in their heart and Spirit rather than in the pragmatic world of the intellect, are being affected by the dying wind, regardless of where they live geographically. Some to greater degrees then others.
There is no mystery about why this is occurring; they are simply living on the planet, so everything that goes on in this world will try to impact upon them for one reason or another. Most of these people can develop unusual periods of irritability, feeling glum, sensations of feeling antsy or sudden nervousness. These are usually the primary symptoms of the dying winds of change’s presence close by to them. As always, as soon as the people can identify these feelings/emotions that they usually do not have or have no reason to have, they can say the big, “AHA!” “I know what is happening now.” Remember, it is the coil of magnetic energetic matter that is attempting to touch them. Although how they choose to respond to this is up to them, it really is but a simple matter of identifying the CAUSE and refusing to be part of the EFFECT. Dying energy winds weaken and then overcome the bodies that it determines are susceptible to its energy. It also can change the emotions in a very similar fashion. People begin acting-out, tempers flare and the physical body retreats from the abuse it is feeling. People with weak immune systems are prone to feel physically unwell much sooner than those with hardier systems. Many goodhearted people feel “weepy” or emotionally empty, they begin to feel as if they are on a rollercoaster ride. Many more experience short-term memory loss.
Yes, the dying winds of change will test you in many areas of your life. That is why this is not a bad thing. People who have steadfastly refused to choose which side they are on, now no longer have that choice. The winds are cutting through apathy and complacency. The stronger your own personal decisions are to be part of the collective consciousness and to keep and “upgrade” your Spiritual stamina, the less you will feel the effects. The more you familiarize yourselves with how to remain more apart from the dying winds’ culminating effect, the more your own personal magnetic force contained in body, mind and Soul, will work to keep you away from the growing madness of others’ minds and intentions. It also means that you will have to be passionately detached from other people who are either making the choice to become part of the dying winds, or simply refuse to change. In the latter cases they are already becoming part of these winds.
The winds of change that NESARA brings with her are quite different from the other wind in many ways. Yet she too, insists on change and is no longer giving anyone a second chance. NESARA winds strengthen bodies, minds and Spirits of all mentally and Spiritually healthy people. Because her own magnetic coil contains the Jesus The Christ consciousness, she is able to instantaneously touch all those of Light and envelops each of them in her golden splendor. She lifts the hearts and minds of people and encourages them to be all they can be. She sweeps over this world with an incredible speed and her wind feels like silk at times. Touching, caressing and loving each of us without conditions attached. NESARA winds bring inspirations and insights and strengthens sentience and leaves us each an incredible gift of knowledge and KNOWING. She touches and speaks with all animals, flora and fauna in the same way. She offers all the option to either continue to pursue life or to continue to court death. She is well aware that if people do not remain passionately detached from their surroundings, remaining un-enamored with the topsy-turvy affairs of the world, and do not become obsessed with what they feel they “personally need in their lives,” or “the changes in the world around them they so desperately seek,” they will become sick, debilitated by their own Good Intentions. They will cause themselves more harm then good if they do not understand this and live this truth.
Tornados, hurricanes and tsunamis cleanse and alter places. They uproot the former and bring new life to land and sea and people as well. Ones that are not manmade are extraordinary catalysts for change. What we are experiencing here with the winds of change, is a “must-must” situation that has been given life by the very life expressions and actions of the human race. Holding fast to your truths, to your beliefs and to God are really simple to do if you really have the desire to do so. As for the “eye of the storm,” we will give you some true life experiences.
(Celest) I will be the first to admit that my Earth Star walk here has always been….an interesting one…certainly NEVER boring! Because I have had a few experiences here that can help you better understand this situation we are writing about, I will break my normal silence about some things I have experienced. I have had the dubious…..pleasure……of being in two different tornados and one hurricane. For those of you who have not, I am hoping that what I know firsthand about these events can bring you more peace of mind. Or at the very least, a better understanding. I will not say where these occasions took place, however I will say that they each happened on three different coasts. With both tornados I bonded with, I somehow or other managed to be placed within the very middle of them each. This is the place known as, “the eye of the storm.”
Readers, please understand: this is the safest place to be!! I will do my best to describe what it is like. The eye is an eerie place to say the least; I was there in the middle of the eye and it was the most quiet, most intense silence I have ever heard. The feeling of timelessness was almost overpowering. I “felt” rather than heard noises that seemed to be at great distances from me. Inside the eye there was no movement at all; not even a whisper of a breeze. Yet, as I looked out beyond my “cocoon” I could see what appeared to be a long way from me, even though I knew it could not be, winds breaking trees, trees being stripped of leaves, trees uprooted and flowers pulled from everywhere and flying in the air, but NOT entering the eye at all. They were all moving so fast it was hard to keep up with what I was watching. I saw houses, again appearing to be in the distance, with roofs being pulled off and glass windows being torn apart. A leaf dance began and all I could see for about a minute was a steady huge circle of leaves hurling upward far beyond my sight. Then I heard an earsplitting “whoosh” and the eye and the rest of the tornado just lifted up and sped away at an incredible speed, leaving me completely unscathed, but a bit tired.
With both tornados it was the same story for me. The hurricane, well, there I was, somehow and quite suddenly standing in the middle of it. Yes, I was in the eye of the storm. Maybe people do not realize that hurricanes have them too. Once again, the same calm and unnatural quiet superseded all else there. The same surreal and calm feeling was also present. After a few moments I felt a few raindrops, however beyond the eye, I could see torrential wind and rain. I was bearing witness to massive destruction, but from a good place. It was difficult to see clearly after that because the rain just kept getting stronger and heavier outside of the eye. Once again, suddenly the eye lifted and the hurricane sped madly away. Now I was getting really, really wet! No, I never once felt any fear. Why would I? I could not have been in a better position. When I told David about these events in my life he said, “Boy, you are not an easy person to be around, are you?” Be that as it may….maybe someday I will tell you about my experience in an earthquake. Sorry, no tsunami. Not yet anyway.
(David and Celest resume) We are hoping that by relating these experiences to you it will effectively remove any misunderstanding and fears you may have about the viability and wisdom of placing yourselves within the eye of the storm. NESARA is the only wind that will connect with you there; you will feel her unblemished love and devotion, her ability to effect change without unduly affecting people in any way other than with her benevolence. You may draw upon the images given to you in the above stories, or visualize the images and place yourselves within the eye. Those who may have problems using visualization, can simply form the thoughts of the incidents. Be Creative! By the way, no, if a dark energy person tries to place himself there as means of thwarting the dying winds of change, the winds will find him anyway! It is quid pro quo, in a sense.
On June 26th of this year, (2010) there was a phenomenal astrological event that occurred. The entrance of this particular one has not been seen here on Earth for many a millennia. This event is working in conjunction with the energy of the winds of change and amplifying the characteristics of both the opposing wind masses we are speaking with you about. It has become known to many as a “Cardinal Grand Cross.” This refers to a unique planetary alignment involving seven planets, two distinct forces working in opposition with one another. Everyone is feeling their gravitational (emotional) pull. Which one they will resonate with and ultimately follow or flow with, is up to them. On one hand you have the Winds of Change being driven on by NESARA’S loving embrace, on the other you have the destructive dying energies trying to drag you further down into the abyss with them. This planetary configuration effect will be felt for the next six months. Interestingly enough, a similar “Grand Cross” will be present in the summer of 2012. Now what do you suppose the odds are of that occurring? Another interesting astrological event will occur on what many have interpreted as the end of the Mayan calendar, December 21st, 2011. If you take some time to research this you will see for yourself how this particular alignment may play a decisive role in the final separation of the wheat from the chaff. As outmoded, obsolete and seriously flawed realities become pried, torn and ripped apart, expect many people to just give up. In the months ahead we will be sharing more information with you on events that will come to pass. Whether it will be comforting for you to know, or not to know, will depend upon your perspective. No one will be immune, however you can lessen their impact on you by being prepared to “Stand in the Eye of the Storm.”
There are no longer any areas where the dark energies streamers may scurry off and hide, no places where NESARA can not reach them. This is also true of the dying winds of changes abilities to find and entrap those dark energies. This is not to say that those streamers can no longer reach out and attach themselves to their unwary hosts, more likely they will continue to seek out the Spiritually, mentally and emotionally unbalanced people. Perhaps they do this now more desperately than ever before because in some depraved way they believe this battle for the Human Soul can still be won by them. Or perhaps they foolishly believe they can somehow ride out the storm by hiding in plain sight, firmly rooted in the psyche of an unwary host. They forget that if the host dies, so do they. The most likely scenario is that they just want to take as many of God’s children with them as they can. Do not fool yourself, any life form no matter what form it is assuming, and yes this pertains to a blemished human intellect, will act irrationally to ensure its own survival. There is evidence of this transpiring all over this world if you view the newscasts, or better still, if you tune in to Soul Voice.
If you are having a hard time understanding all this, then visualize or think about the following: imagine a person who is hungry, or a person with a bad addiction problem who has no prospects or solutions in sight. What do they do, do they say “oh well, that’s the way it is,” or do they resort to desperate means? This is the crossroads many of your friends, neighbors and people who are complete strangers to you, are currently on. No, it is not a pretty sight, nor is it necessary. This is a world overflowing with abundance on ALL levels whose original design provided abundance for all. In time, non-linearly speaking, this equality and abundance for all will be common place. Not in the immediate future as so many prophecy followers, doom and gloomers and 2012 hopefuls tend to believe. It will take time. NESARA is doing her part, the winds of change are doing their part, even those who are trying to hold onto the old way are inadvertently doing their part to bring balance and harmony to this planet once more. It all comes back to whether any one of us, any life form upon this world, chooses to be an active participant in manifesting the solution to what ails this world, or remain steadfastly living in the past and refusing to change or alter their perspective, their dream.
So that we are not negligent in our duties as Star Born Wisdom Keepers, we will speak briefly about the Light. Light exists everywhere, if not it would cease to be. Even in the darkness there are miniscule amount of Light. Energy is present everywhere vibrating, resonating, on many diverse frequencies. Thought, like Light, is energy. It is not static, it is in constant motion and continually altering its shape, focus and intent. It is a force to be reckoned with for It IS the core essence of ALL life. What defines the intensity of the light in anyone is their beliefs, experiences and the maturity of their Soul. The winds of change are reaching out to everyone manifesting as God’s heartfelt attempt to persuade people to embrace positive change. It is long past time for anyone to continue casting their own shadow. You can cast your shadow into the dark, but it is the shadow that defines the Light. Please, do not try and deceive yourselves and think that a person who originates from and is of, the Light can not be overwhelmed by the dark. The Dark in all of its myriad forms is tenacious and extremely good at seeking out the weak spots in any one’s psyche. In other words, never become complacent and remember, procrastination is another form of complacency. If you believe you will skate through life unscathed simply because you do not provoke the dark, think again. Everyone here on Earth who holds the Light is to be considered a target. These viperous energy streamers are vicious. They have an insatiable appetite and subsequently they will feed on whatever energy source is available to them. Dropping your guard for but a brief second can allow malevolent energy streamers to attach themselves to you. This is when the Light which is surrounded by dark can be overwhelmed physically.
Then it comes down to the will of the person – whether they will fight it off or surrender to physical death. Anyone who remains in an area that is embracing lower based energy and thought forms may eventually succumb to the dark. This is but one reason why people are moving (relocating) and why otherwise good people will not be able to stand up to the assault and will become part of the dying. Think of yourself as a battery, when fully charged it can sustain itself (for awhile.) When drained down it withers and dies if it is not recharged. This is why taking the time to recharge your Spiritual batteries is so vitally important. There is a mass migration of people taking place all over this world. Yes, some are looking for safe havens; others are being led to where they can do the most good. Others are seeking out those of like mind. Whatever the individual case may be, those who are destined to be in a certain place at a predestined gridline intersection, will find their way there. Those who are paying attention to their Soul’s urgings are being led to areas of safety. These types have no problem staying in the flow for that is what they do. They listen to their hearts, not their minds. Those who hesitated when they should not have may not be so fortunate.
This is also why many animal species who are meant to survive, those who have not been contaminated by their dark masters or by some other aspect of the dark influence, are being directed to start anew, somewhere else. The Animal Spirits are moving those they can to new areas and encouraging them to learn to adapt to different environments. Those that cannot adjust to their new environments will perish. Some animals, the four-footed, the flying, these who live beneath great waters and so on, have volunteered to remain behind in order to ensure the continuity of their species IN THOSE AREAS, and will continue to contribute to the environment The same applies to the human race. The land itself is reacting to the conflicting forces between the dying energies and the NESARA Wave. This affects all life and may play havoc with livestock. It will continue to influence the plant and mineral life. It also shapes and changes the crops and produce, many of these carry that dying energy. This same dying energy can transfer itself to those who consume the tainted produce. The best thing we can suggest is just be aware that this is possible, do not eat food prepared by someone who is not on a similar consciousness level as you yourself are. If someone is having a bad day, then just stay away from them to keep the possibility of transference away. In time, many areas of this world will become uninhabitable, or simply cease to exist, until the energies within those areas alter into a more refined state. This will allow life to begin anew there. There are many cycles being completed here, until they are allowed to come full circle, forms of organized and disorganized chaos will prevail. In our teachings we encourage people to pay attention to the animals. Animals live in the timelessness of the “Now,” where everything occurs in the present. When animals start migrating out of an area, then perhaps it is time for you to follow suit and do the same.
In the days ahead be prepared by being forewarned. Learn to see for yourself what IS happening as well as what MIGHT possibly transpire. You all have knowledge of what is about to come, most just have not “remembered” what it is they know. Use your sentience to discern the possibilities from the probabilities. Discuss your thoughts and ideas with others. Remember, “Great minds always sentience together.” Learn to know when you can turn probabilities into possibilities and vice versa. Learn to accept that certain things must take place, while other things can be altered. This planetary cleansing process must be and will be allowed to run its course. How good or bad it will ultimately be, is up to all of us, just as it has always been up to us. Who will survive and who will not is also up to each individual and the choices they make.
When a person’s physical body or mind becomes tainted, ill or debilitated by either of these two different energetic forces, it IS up to them to first – understand what has just happened to them and second; do something about it. Those who can not tolerate the NESARA wave because they can not achieve the levels of the vibrations and decibels of frequencies necessary to integrate with her, can not and will not survive. They simply can not assimilate the Light matter needed by them; or they can not, or will not, even make the attempt. If they do not know what is really happening, then they need to find someone who does know. Emotional and physical ailments left untreated will leave you vulnerable. Most people have an extremely difficult time self diagnosing; they tend to find it much easier to see the flaws in others before seeing them in themselves. Sadly, most of the medical institutions do not teach or even know about the influence different energy impulses have upon the physical vehicle. Most institutions continue to do as they have always done, as they were taught to do, as those before them were taught to do and what the pharmaceutical companies prefer they do, they treat the symptoms rather than finding the cause for the ailments. People need to make themselves stronger by recognizing these facts and accepting that it can happen to them. They have to be strong enough to see it when it is happening, or they will pass-over.
We want to impress upon you certain Universal truths. One is, what happens here on the Earth Star affects the rest of this Universe as well and even far beyond this Universe into all the other Universes. As we have stated in the beginning of this writing, with every action or lack of action there is an equal or opposite action. Like does attract like, so what is done or thought, attracts similar thoughts or actions. If someone thinks only of doom and gloom then that is what they will Create in their environments for themselves. Likewise, all those who think kind thoughts, of Love, of peace and prosperity, bring those into manifestation. It will not happen overnight. To accomplish that feat, you would need to get everyone, everywhere, to think the same thought all at once. And that simply will not happen; not while so many people are unaware of the Creative Power they possess. Everything is part of the Continuum, some things just vibrate at a higher frequency than others do. All forms of Life are part of the Creation. Each participates in the Creation Process to the best or worst of their abilities. Each contributes to the Tapestry of Life. One is not isolated from the other, rather, each works in tandem with the other. In other words, just because you cannot see, touch, feel or smell this connection does not make it any less real. Everything IS connected with All That Is. Awareness of this knowledge, this Universal fact, should bring a whole new meaning to you about the phrase, “God I AM.”
If you want to be of assistance, then try to understand the information that we know and are sharing with you. Then share this writing with others. Then – you are making a difference. This is but one small way for you to help other people. The continuum does know who is helping and who is not. In this sense – each person will be defining their OWN Destiny. To say that this information is extremely important would be an understatement. So please, teach/share what you have learned from this writing with others who might find it helpful. From here on out it is going to be a topsy-turvy roller-coaster ride for many. Those people that try to hang on and have not adequately prepared themselves will be suffering from a severe case of whiplash. This IS the time WE have all been waiting for. This is what all your previous lifetimes have prepared you for. You are ready. Don’t allow yourself to become a casualty of, “a life not well lived.” We will leave the “fire and brimstone” speeches to those who still “mirror” those particular beliefs. Have compassion for those who are floundering because for them, these events may seem like the prelude to their worst fears – those of biblical proportions. It is however far removed from that. This IS the beginning of the New Beginning; it is the time of the rising sun and (Son), no longer, “the setting sun.”
We have been monitoring these and other situations which are ongoing and ever-changing. We suggest you do the same.
We did wonder why God did not talk about this in the NESARA chapter of His new book, “Beyond the Veil ~ Epiphanies from God.” We asked God about it and God’s reply was; “Because I wanted you (Celest and David) to do it!” And so we did – while gliding upon the Winds of Change.
If you are wondering how we handle these situations, we do as we have always have – we just put one foot in front of the other and keep on going. We always look forward, not backward and we remain firmly rooted in the Eye of the Storm. We continue to live in the present in the same manner as we have always lived our lives. And your big question about us….”how are we doing in our life”…..WE’RE STILL STANDING!
In service to the continuity of the Human Spirit,
We are, Celest and David
Please share this information with others