Website Updated October 27th, 2024
10-27-2024 – The Time is NOW – Open Letter to ALL Readers
Blue Star is “Issuing the Call.”
An important “time-sensitive” message from Blue Star, God, Celestial and the entirety of Divinity.
God and The Cross Project
The Cross – Bearing the Mark of God
An Event – August 23, 24 and 25th, 2024
The time long prophesized has arrived.
Why are WE the VOICES of Cyclical Changes “Issuing the Call?” What is this project all about? The God of this Universe and The Creator are aware as are we that the dark is trying to instill as many of its tainted dark souls in positions of power all over this world. They have asked us to Issue the Call to all other VOICES and help balance the scales. You are a VOICE if you can see that there is something wrong and it needs to be fixed. We, you and many many others all around this world, will be placing a gridwork of Light and Crosses all around and through this world. This gridwork when completed will seek out any tentacles of the dark as well as all those souls who have succumbed to its illusionary enticements and immediately start destroying them.
God and The Creator came to visit us the other day and said They are “calling in” all those who bear the Mark of God, to enter into the greatest battle between the Light and the dark that has ever happened before.” It does not require any physical interactions with the dark souls, you each bear the Mark of God. Therefore, you are in The Light of God, so it is that you can do no wrong.
(Note: This Event you can participate in anywhere you are, you do not need to travel. You can join us, all of us, from the comfort of your own home.)
And yes, Celest and Her father Blue Star are in the process of working on the next Blue Star Transmission. Please be patient.
And yes, we will be posting NEW information here on this site when time allows.
First a personal note. As so many of you are aware, we, Celest and David, are not updating all of the sites with new information all the time. We simply do not have time. We have been teaching all of you going on 40 years now. And we are not done. Most current postings are listed on our flagship website – Look around you, just open your eyes and really look around and you will see so many of the reasons we are in demand now for the truth we share with the world. No, we have no intention of slowing down, God is not, nor shall we. If you feel the need to have New News brought to you multiple times a day, a week or even a month, we might suggest you check your Spiritual Compass and see if you can figure out why. As we said, and God agrees, “Are you doing God’s work OR are you still asking Him to do it for you?
And this website, as does all of our websites, contains vast amounts of timeless information, invaluable teachings, for you to learn or relearn as the case may be. Do as we teach others, put the pieces together, figure out what you have not yet and continue being part of the solution we all agreed to so very very long ago. YES, you are The One you have been waiting for.

6-6-2024 “Forgiveness”
Sometimes, somewhere, somebody, someone, is being called upon to bridge the divide.
5-27-2024 “Beyond the Silence“
Remember these words…
4-30-2024 – An open letter to all VOICES of Cyclical Changes and all Blue Star readers
One of the most fundamental changes to take place on Anastasis that impact on every living creature, even a tiny blade of grass or weed, everything, is now occurring all over Anastasis. (Anastasis – Earth)
Nothing can stand in its way, nothing.
4-30-2024 – God’s Gifts to Humanity
6-2024 What Divides You Devours You
please Go to to read all of these IMPORTANT messages that are listed above here. Thank you, Celest and David
3-17-2024 “Special Edition”
“God is being attacked as the war against God is now fully activated.”
All people who have ever been on this planet have heard tales or read texts relating to a battle between the dark and the Light. Many people dismissed that whole concept which only empowered the dark even more. Yet all good Souls, most especially the evolved Souls, remembered The Battle but it was in fragments of their memories. Even now as they are reading this they are remembering even more. It is the chimes that are going off as they are reading this that is reminding them, REMEMBER! REMEMBER! REMEMBER!

A NEW Soul Project
Updates to this project are in the works so please check back
12-30-2023 (Time sensitive)
The following message was received by David and Celest on 12-21-2023 at 1:00 PM Central Time from Mary Magdalene.
To each and every one, WE are Calling in ALL Good Souls to Unite Now for an important Soul Project requiring Unity of Purpose.
What – We ask each and every one of you to Send out Prisms of multifaceted multicolored Light, the Jesus The Christ Consciousness and all the Love and Laughter you can muster.
Encircle this world with them, over and over and over and over and over again.
And then let Jesus and My Self (Mary Magdalene) take it from here.
Repeat this for the next 15-17 days.
Remember, as true Advocates for Justice and VOICES of Cyclical Change you ARE Creating Change. Not recreating or reacting to other events. What is done is done.
You can do this morning, noon and night if you want. The more the merrier. And put some ZIP into it. Let your Soul Self shine.
Repeat this on and on until the middle of your calendar month.
YOU have been CALLed! WE will see who picks up and who sends a busy signal.
Rejoice with Anastasis and Celestial (Celest) Blue Star and the other Luminescents as they continue to Dance the Dance of Resurrection.
As Blue Star the Pleiadian recently stated, “Welcome to the Dance of Life.”
David and Celest and I (Mary Magdalene) thank you. We will see you on the frontlines.
Note: Please pass this around to everyone you know by all means available to you. Thank You, Celest and David and Mary
We are working on updating our sites, we do so as time allows. There are many updates coming to this site so please be patient. Scroll down for other new information. Salude, Celest and David

The “8” books of “The God Book series”
Gods messages to humanity. Promises made, Promises kept!
Book #5 – Beyond the Journey – Life in the Hereafters
Do you want to know about your life before and where you are going from here after you die. God has dedicated most of this entire Book 5 to ‘reminding‘ you.
Enter the “VOICES Teachings – Initiating a Soul Movement”
the “VOICES of Cyclical Changes“
These, part 1 & 2, are must-read Blue Star Transmissions – Read them and then share them with the world. The world is waiting. Thank you!
“Living life in your NEW normal while madness cavorts all around you – Part 2“
“Truth” is a triple-edged-sword. It can cut through lies and deceit, it can disempower a person’s beliefs, or it can attempt to cut down We who are the “Truth Talkers.”
There are only two forms of people now left on this planet. There is Group one and there is Group Two. Group one has had their Spiritual back broken, Group two people are moving forward keeping their momentum strong, accepting change and making cyclical changes with their minds, with their Power of Mind and experiencing new probabilities and new opportunities that you can say “Are written in Stone.”
“Living life in your NEW normal while madness cavorts all around you – Part 1“
There is too much to tell you ones about that does need to be explained. Too much you need to be aware of. So today we meet again to begin to discuss what you do not know as well as what you think you know. So very much has happened since my last message to all of you that it would be difficult to try to find a beginning for this transmission. In other words, it matters not where I begin this day; every day for the remainder of your lives . . .

VOICES of Cyclical Changes information
Celestial (Celest) and David
NOW, 2023
We started out years ago (8-21-2020) stating: “Every cycle in life is in search of completion and must be a reflection of and in the timelessness of the continuum. Then the next cycle can begin. In other words, all occurs within spatialness. This new project we are beginning is a collaboration of the changing voices on topics that need to be heard, discussed and ultimately understood, in order for people to live their lives in the new NOW. But they must do so in a better way in order for people to begin using Power of Mind exponentially. We feel that by people working together to not only Create a better world, but a better way to live life, we can all do something wonderful for ourselves and for others. Many people will begin using ancient as well as new knowledge to enhance their understanding of how to continue to evolve. They will then go on to teach others how to live a better life in a better way.”
As many of you have come to know by now, we dance to the beat of a different drummer. That beat is all-encompassing un-compromising infinite knowledge which is searching for wisdom. This pattern-breaking cyclically changing and ever expansive drummer IS Soul VOICE. By now many of you have realized you no longer exist or belong in a reality of low density and harsh existence. Kudos to you. Now maybe, just maybe, you will realize ALL your lifetimes of reincarnating here have been not only worth it, but priceless in its totality and cherished and revered for the true GIFT that was bestowed upon you. This was given to you by not only the God of this Universe, and the other Luminescents of ALL the other Universes and multiverses and micro-verses, but by The Creator Himself. It just does not get any better than that. Sadly, far too many personalities of Souls who are incarnate here now on this world have yet to realize that “reincarnation is no longer a guarantee! This means that it has to be earned.
We have told you over and over that in the end it would be worth it. We never told any of you that it would be easy. Fighting for just-cause never is. Being mirrored in the harsh realities of Earth’s near-distant past(s) is not easy and has never been “easy.” And no, we do not believe in the “illusion” that with no pain there can be no gain. And no, we do not suffer fools gladly, we do not suffer fools at all. And no, we do not expect any of you to be martyrs; that is simply a foolish end to the wondrous Gift of Life. We have been around long enough to know that suicide is just a fancy way to describe the senseless horrors and tragedies of self-murder and the plethora of disrupted cyclical consequences which follow. Now, IF you successfully navigate through the oftentimes tumultuous shoals of past lives here on the Earth, then other events will happen. Then maybe you are ready for your reward of you being honored for being an active participant in the NEW World with the NEW People.
From here on, this planet is NOW known throughout The Creator’s multiverses as Anastasis. She is the “Resurrection planet.” This is rightfully so as her name means Resurrection. SHE IS the New form of life which has risen from the ashes humanity tried so dearly to try to bury her in. She always had been and IS still reclaiming this world. She not only does this for Herself but for all the NEW Lifeforms which will soon come to call this world “Home!”
WE who are the VOICES of Cyclical Change continue to do all we can, whenever we are called upon, and throughout each and every NOW moment we attempt to BE of Service to God. We have claimed our God-given right to BE Co-Creators. Thank you, God. We will always strive to live up to, never down to, the highest of standards and always be a force to be reckoned with. Uncompromising moral and Spiritual values and Soul seeking Higher states of Consciousnesses and unconditional love are our guiding Light(s). We do not react; we Create actions instead. WE Create Cyclical Changes multidimensionally.
We founded and Created VOICES of Cyclical Changes per the wishes of the Luminescents (The Gods and Goddesses of ALL the Universes) and The Creator. Although their wishes came through in a very commanding VOICE.
OURS and YOUR Brethren from ALL other Universes are here NOW. Many of them walk amongst us. Let us show them we are listening. Let us show them what WE can do. So, IF you wish to be part of the core-group of VOICES of Cyclical Changes and believe you have much to offer, not to just listen, but participate. Then come ahead and sign up. Do you have what it takes to survive and to STAND with us as true “Veterans of the Earth Star Walk?”
The day and the time will come when each of you will finally realize how important these groups are. We all have to do our part. We all have to STAND arm in arm, side by side, back to back, mind to mind, with Soul linking to Soul. We all have our work cut out for us, this IS The One Lifetime WE have all been preparing for. Do you yet realize WE are the ones we have been waiting for? As Celestial has said many times, “Kindergarten is over, grade school is over, high school is over, this IS Life, Live it!”
Contact us for consideration to be added to this Core Group of VOICES. Start your own Group if you wish. All we ask is you hold yourself to the highest standards and expect nothing less of anyone who joins your group. NO weak-links allowed. None of us have any “time” left to be stopped now. Forget trying to save others, that is not your job. Leave their providence to God. Do not be one of those people who when their lifetime is over and they Stand before God and will have to listen as God says to you, “Life happened and you missed it!”
VOICES of Cyclical Changes started out having conference calls throughout each year which allowed people to call in, speak with others on the calls, and ask questions they may have relating to various topics while offering their own perspectives on the many differed topics. Addressing those issues may help them as well helping others who have the same or similar situations. Most of the time we meet on a teleconference-call once a month, more if needed. Attendance is required. Participation is required.
We are Teaching the Teachers in the core-group so they will be able to go on and Teach the Teachers. We rewrite The Book of Revelations with every breathe we take through the thoughts and actions we have. We Create our realities. We are that we are. We are one with nature, and all planetary,Universal, and Dimensional changes. We Create Cyclical Changes! We Stand in our Truths. We have learned long ago not to try to defend our Truths as to do so has the opposite effect and only invalidates them to the person who is learning. Have you yet realized you have what it takes, that you always have! Is your personality and Soul working together as ONE as they were intended to be? Do you know how to tell the difference? Are you still amazed by your own child-like innocence and sheer wonder of ALL That IS? Are you part of this world, or are you a part of this world? Or are you still a vacillator, a ditherer, a dawdler or hapless hopeless vacationer here on Anastasis, simply occupying space. Are you someone whose time has come?
Can you give the devil his due and in the same breath STATE “evil’s time is done?” Do you want to BE part of the NEW People? Are you a Group two person?
Previously We could only offer this “Voices of the Cyclical Changes” program to people living in the United States. However, that has changed as there are many ways to make long distance phone calls. As Blue Star the Pleiadian said, “This world is getting smaller and people just do not realize it yet.” VOICES Calls are typically 2 hours and held at noon, central time U.S., on varied Fridays of the month. In order to be considered for possible inclusion in this program please email
and in subject be sure to write the word “VOICES.” People who will be part of the group will be given a call-in conference call number and password. It will be set up on the “no cost conference call” system. When we schedule a call, we will give as much advance notice as possible and we will be asking people to let us know if they will be on that call.
Salude… David and Celest
VOICES of Cyclical Changes / – –
Note: If you previously signed up to be considered for the VOICES group and were denied please do not send in a second request. If you were previously a member and left for some reason, sorry but everybody only gets one opportunity to join. We simply have no time left in this incarnation to give second chances.
This signup notice will be a permanent part of our websites.
All information may be reposted in its entirety with a link back to this website included.
“God and I”
“Jesus The Christ”
Greeting everyone, and yes, our sites are still under construction, please be patient through this process. No, there is nothing wrong with your computer.
Salude, Celest and David
Blue Star Transmission is
The Predators vs The Travelers
11-18-2022 The Blue Star Transmission
“Battle on the Homefront”
It is indeed refreshing to see many peoples actually understanding with clarity what so many of us have been teaching you since “forever ago.” What is disheartening though is the millions and millions of people who could not struggle their way to the top because so many of those others who were sent here to teach people truly lost their own way on these harrowing journeys to life here. So, it has been because so many who lost their way and could not teach “advanced” truths and realities have now found themselves reaching out for those teachers who did survive the journeys here. These ones have had to double up and thus work ever so much harder than had been anticipated.
I also have more current and into the future news as well. – The very nano-moment…
It is also time for all of you to learn about the dark emergence of who we call The Sundowners.
“The Coming of Age of Collective Consciousness”
A Letter from God
The entirety of the Creation process is always striving for perfection of ItSelf as well as all aspects of the Creation; Those aspects are all life forms in ALL of this Universe, none are considered better than others, although many are wiser than others.
What is not well-understood on MY Earth Star planet is that the Creation process requires that all energies ascend and enhance themselves. In this manner it is the magnification of all molecules of intangible AND tangible energized motes of a massive and truly electrifying Light, which must ALWAYS format and reformat itself in a stream of contiguous momentum, that is of course synchronized to prevent any “bleed-throughs,” or gaps, occurring within the matrix of the Light Force.
It is this Creation process dear Children, that is always encouraging…
The “Blue Star Transmission”
“Bitter Harvest”

To “re-learn” “The Song of God” just follow the link above!
We are exercising our rights as Gods and Goddesses to write this missive.
God… (received by Celest) Children. I “suggested” that Celest and David follow through and write this document. There is so much for you all to learn and so little time that is still available for you to do this. I ask you each to please pay attention; do so as if I was the one writing this. The more you learn about life the more you learn about yourself. The better you apply yourselves to the acceptance of . . .
“The Nature of Things amid the Clash of the Titans and They issued The Call – The Call has been Answered“
“People make strange Bedfellows which causes Fatal Attractions“
(Special Note: A message from God: “For all those of you who do not remember “The Song of God,” I asked Blue Star to include it in this Blue Star Transmission. Read it, memorize it, print it out and share it with others.”) Now IS the Time and the Time IS NOW! Remember?
“No Boundaries and Unchartered Waters”
“God and I”
“Jesus The Christ”
“Marriage and Communicable Intent” and “God Is”
Kids Corner #29 “Understanding Our Life in the NOW”
“The Ice Mammoth Cometh and the Nevereneders“
“The Christmas Soul Dance” A personal message

“A Christmas Soul Dance” Event
This is an “ongoing” Event which began on Friday December 3rd, 2021
11-10-21 The Blue Star Transmission is “The Diamond that comes out of the top of a nut”
11-13-21 Voices of Cyclical Changes – “Unity of Purpose” – More New submissions to this post have been added. Please take time to read these.
9-22-2021 – “Sacred Trust”
9-17-21 NEW section: VOICES of Cyclical Changes – September 2021, some “VOICES of Cyclical Changes” teaching moments
9-17-21 NEW: Lessons From the Animal Beings – “A Very Small Hero”
Revelationary Information – “The Eclectic Nature of the merging of Higher Dimensions that are happening NOW as Anastasis welcomes them and their Cyclical Changes“
“The Musical Oracles” A Universe-shaking Event
Although this event has already begun, it is still ongoing and each of you can continue to contribute to this Cosmic Wave at any time. And you should. Doing so benefits all of us.
“The Cosmos is Calling” Carol’s Astrological Perspectives
Excerpt from the 12-16-2020 Blue Star Transmission … – “God is clearly defining the road less traveled, which is the highway to heaven. The serious process of beckoning has begun. These summonses can not be ignored or they will be enforced. The Hand of God has been directing the traffic since March 11, 2020, on the highway to heaven. ” (scroll down to find the link to this VERY important message.)

Know that “TIME is NOT on your side.”

It has been deemed necessary to repost this information.
“Checking Sources and Aligning Energies” and “Bridging the Gap”
It has also been deemed prudent to remind everyone about
“Letting Go in order to Receive”
“The Saga continues and other Feather-Ruffling information, and The Calm before the Shift-Storm.”
“Voices of Cyclical Changes”
From Celest and David
2-20-2021 – An update to this message was posted on the Bluestarspeaks website.
Original date of this message 8-21-2020
Every cycle in life is in search of completion and must be a reflection of and in the timelessness of the continuum. Then the next cycle can begin. In other words, all occurs within spatialness for linear time does not exist. This new project we are beginning is a collaboration of the changing voices on topics that need to be heard, discussed and ultimately understood in order for people to live their lives in the new NOW. But to do so in a better way in order for people to begin using the Power of Mind exponentially. We feel that by people working together to not only Create a better world but a better way to live life we can all do something wonderful for ourselves and for others. Many people will begin using ancient as well as new knowledge to enhance their understanding of how to continue to evolve and they will go on to teach others how to live a better life in a better way.
We will be having occasional conference calls throughout each year which would allow people to call in, speak with others on the calls, ask questions they may have relating to various topics and offering their own perspectives on different issues that may help them as well as others.
Some of the topics we will be discussing may be:
Living in multiple dimensions, gloaming, speaking with your Spirit Guides, protecting your psyche, telepathy, checking your sources, walking with one foot in each world, dimensional doorways, Soul matrix, speaking to Gatekeepers, Avatars, Master Teachers, how cycles of life are influenced by human beings behavior, the cause and effect of free expression, understanding bodily changes relative to new environments, forming Soul unions consciously, Soul Clusters, missions, understanding symbolism and recognizing signs. Soul voice keeping you on your path, Migrating to other locations. And many other topics which people on the conference calls can introduce to the group.
We can only offer this “Voices of the Cyclical Changes” program to people living in the United States. In order to be considered for possible inclusion in this new program please email
and in subject be sure to write the word “VOICES.” People who will be part of the group will be given a call-in conference call number and password. It will be set up on the “no cost conference call” system. When we schedule a call we will give much advance notice and we will be asking people to let us know if they will be on that call.
It is going to take us a couple of months to set everything up because we too must prepare for the soon arriving winter. But please feel free to send your email and we will respond as soon as we can. We will remain in touch with those accepted into the program and can answer any question you may have about the program.
Salude … Celest and David
One Voice of – “Voices of Cyclical Changes” – Hello from South Africa: The conference sounds fantastic. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to take part being in Cape Town but this is just to send my good wishes to you in this endeavor. I’m excited about this new level of awakening that begins to encourage us to fully embody ourselves now.
I am ready to continue this process on my side. It certainly is not for the faint hearted and takes a lot of commitment and courage. However, events unfolding now must be seen as a signal to us that it’s now or never. Best wishes, Adele
“A Telling Moment”
In Autumn of 2020
Today we had to send out some rejection notices to people who would like to participate in one of the next steps in their continual evolution, The “VOICES of Cyclical Changes” conference calls.
If you received one of these and IF your first response was ‘anger’ ask yourself “WHY?”
If you felt hurt or saddened, again ask yourself ‘why?”
Anger is but another clever guise “fear” uses when it raises its ugly head. And no “fear” is natural, IT IS a learned response. Our intent is not to cause you anger or pain, it is to bring attention to undealt with issues you have held in close proximity to your intellects self-preservation center. Which by the way was trained by WHO? If you were just taken back and had to think about what we just said for moment instead of instantaneously knowing then perhaps you need to re-visit your studies.
These are but simple examples of the basics in knowledge understood of what is required, needed, and necessary in order for anybody to be able to graduate from “The Earth Star Walk.” Hmmm, does ANYONE wonder why there are so many people on the Earth Star planet at this time… hmm, former schoolhouse planet – overpopulation… Yes we know, this is not something we have talked about publicly, somethings need to be intuited or figured out on your own. Again, if you do not understand then perhaps you should try to and not regress and enter into a shell or stick your head in the sand. Believe it or not there are more people than you can imagine who will skim past or simply ignore what is not understood and move on with their jolly lives centered around intentional bliss of self-gratification over all else.
If the shoe fits… Stand up to it, own it. “Take A Stand,” if not now… then when?
What does it mean to BE a true human being? Do you remember the difference between being human and hu-man?
We have been dutifully helping everyone to ‘remember, remember, remember’ for over 31 years. WHY, because we are all connected. Remember what “ALL That IS” is? How about “GOD I AM?” Do you remember what THE LIGHT in Lightworker stands for? Basics, basics, basics. Sometimes the need arises to revisit the basics and when or if the need arises whose responsibility is it to recognize what needs to be remedied? WE can not do it all for you nor will we. How can you help others, how can you teach others if you don’t take care of yourself, your SELF? IF you have not found your own center (forget about being in balance) and have learned to walk with one foot in both worlds at the same time, especially now… your time is running out. Again, do you understand this as well?
This lifetime is full of blessings and another another chance to get things right while playing out our/your roles in this Life of Lives that The Creator and The Creation Processing generously offers to each of us by allowing us the blessings reincarnation keeps “Gifting” us with. Do you understand?
Love is unconditional, what you do with what has been given to you… there’s that darn personal-responsibility again!
Each of us READ our Soul Contracts BEFORE we signed them, we reviewed “The Movie of our upcoming lifetime” over and over and over again before we RE- incarnated this time around. ALL is KNOWN by you, WE are just trying to help you to remember, remember… remember!
And the chiming of bells rings out IN ALL Universes
“And you give Birth to Wisdom”
Salude, David of Arcturus
AND… “Happy Anniversary” to all those truly special Starkeepers who remained here on Earth when the Mother Ship arrived on October 7th 2007! Damn the Torpedoes – Full Speed Ahead.
Note: The two articles below are very important. Please take your time when reading them.
“Your Life in Retrospect – NOW play it Forward”
“The Best in People … The Worst in People … In the NOW NEW NORMAL Life on the Earth Star Planet”
Welcome to The Golden NOW.
As the NEW People of the NEW Earth you each are Terra’s (Earth’s) “Advocates for Justice.”
Join us now as we SING “The eternal Song of God” together and elevate this world and all of her inhabitants into a new existence, ONE unlike anything anyone here on Earth has ever seen or envisioned before.
The TIME is NOW. Dream yourself awake and remember, remember, remember. Remember WHO YOU ARE and WHY YOU ARE HERE … NOW!
We will be waiting for you in
“The Valley of The Ancients.”

If you are not on the “New Book Notification” email list then email us at