To Live AS a Life Lived Well

To Live AS a Life Lived Well


(Note: Your comments are listed after our message)

 Comments updated 9-14-2018

9-14 Special Notice:  Please read

Throughout life many of us will be blessed with a special privilege of sharing our lives with very special people. Very rarely however will many people honestly say that certain teachers, mentors and very close friends are “God sent” to teach others, to play well with others and laugh and share good times together as a unified Soul Cluster while they are still in mortal form. We ourselves consider ourselves to be very, very blessed and very, very honored to say that of all the men and women we have interacted with over these many years, one person whom we dearly love stands out among all the best. It is with great joy in our hearts, our true admiration and our deepest wish for all the best FOR the best, that we honor a special Soul this day.

On the afternoon of March 13th. 2018, our dearly beloved longtime friend, colleague, ally, comrade in-arms and one who too knows how to keep secrets when it is necessary, Dr. Verling CHAKO Priest, Ph.D., quietly and peacefully passed over into a finer version of herself. Our Chako was 2 months away from her 91st. Birthing day. Through all the years of our private conversations, our shared laughter and our commiserating with one another when we would watch Advocates and those soon to be new Advocates fall into the Mind Field, we three would bolster one another’s morale by speaking of all those “who did make it away from the Mind Field and just kept on going onward while being upward bound..” We laughed about many of the antics people indulge in on their way to Higher Learning of the best kind. We knew Chako long before that was her name, way back many millennia ago when we three sat with Jesus and Mary Magdalene where there too we all traded stories of things past and things yet to be.

Very few people of today are aware of all the emotional pain Chako endured in order to write the books that NEEDED to be written. Very few people here today knew how deeply she suffered as she was cruelly alienated from so many people she sought to help. Chako has been here several times with us since she left the Earth Star planet. She was a bit weak but that was to be expected because of her chosen lifestyle. However, she is now surrounded by all the Higher Divine Beings who cherish her as much as we do and as much as you should. Our Chako gave her all and yet in her innocence never understood that her all was more than enough. We ask you one and all to Light a candle each day and celebrate eternal life with her. She will soon don her Mantle of Greatness. We ourselves will know when that happens and we will celebrate her long stay here on this planet each day for the rest of our lives. Many of you will never realize while you are incarnate how much less meaning you would have had in your lives if it had not been for Chako. Chako is a prime example of Living AS a Life Lived Well.

Kudos Chako! We salute you for WHO you are and ALL that you have accomplished. We will meet you again in a better place at a better time.

With our deepest appreciation and love,
Celestial Blue Star and David of Arcturus

If you wish to share your thoughts please email them to Celest and David to:
Please put Chako in the subject line
Chako’s messages on the Godumentary websites

Introducing Chako Priest

If any of you are interested in reading any of Chako’s 15 books you may wish to pick up your copies while they are still available.

~ Below are some of the comments we have received so far: ~

(Note: As we receive more comments, the newest ones will be listed after these.)


Hello Heather, we thank you so much for telling us about our Chako. We must tell you however that we started to feel the changes in Chako beginning at the end of November. By end Jan. we saw there was nothing we were permitted to do to alter her physical situation. It was her time and we only asked that she not suffer. Heather, Chako knows full well that we have always been honest with her about all the issues she wanted to speak with us about. One of the most difficult ones is when she asked us why healers could not give her permanent healings on her eyes. We carefully explained why and then had to tell her there was nothing anyone could do and why they could not. As usual Chako listened carefully and understood. She then accepted what she could not change… and went to work to try to heal her “future lineages.”
We have always been in touch with her and yes, of course especially since she passed over. She has visited us several times already and she has truly earned her Mantle of Greatness. Chako was surrounded by an enormous bevy of Luminescents as well as by her own other Guides and Teachers. When her Soul arose to begin her journey home the scent of white roses was very beautiful and still is. The rose scent seems to be with her and around her at all times. We are very happy about that.
We wrote a short tribute to her; we do not believe in “eulogies.” We titled her writing “To Live AS a Life Lived Well.”
Anything you or any of the others in the Metaphysical groups, friends and so forth want us to post for them, please tell them we will be most happy to do so.
Yes, we knew she would hesitate before leaving mortality, but as you know she did the right thing and we are thrilled that you were there with the other person as well. She has so many special gifts and like the phoenix she will arise again and again in all her glory and we will always be there for her.
In love, gratitude and respect, Celestial Blue Star of the Pleiades and David of Arcturus

Celest and David,
Thank for sharing that beautiful testimony about Chako. I enjoyed learning from her books and her channelings with Jesus…  especially the last books she brought forth with Him on Transitions. Many of her writings correlate with your God Books.
Your postings of many excerpts of her writings also were profound.
Namaste Wies
I noticed the timing of Chako’s transition, so just saying, Celest, you were involved with everything with David, things with ……, as well as the death of your very good friend.
Just saying, you were going through an awful lot, and if you can do it, we can do it, and if we can do it, other people can do it. That is my thought on this.
Blessings, Rita
I am glad Chako Priest had a good transition.
Sad to know for all this who miss her on earth. I so much enjoyed reading her books. Even many of her difficulties with her eyes and even previous lifetimes were described in one of the books.
Great to hear more of the history of her relationship  with Celest and David and her own life evolvement.
Namaste, Wies
Dear Celest and David,
I had to think things overnight, to come up with a reply to your email to me.  Sometimes, I have to let go of the thought process and find the heart process to come up with an answer.
I truly miss Chako’s messages that she sent out, though she has transitioned, some of her messages still resonate with me, especially about the children, as children and animals are what are very close to my heart, as well as all of Nature. Could we please skip the 4th of July? (a little sarcasm).  I understand that there is messages under messages.
So I FEEL that I can relate to Chako to the extent of not being accepted by most peoples.  I am mostly fine with that, however, sometimes, I find a great longing to connect with those where I feel I am accepted.  One of those places is with the Advocates, however, even there, sometimes, I get a little push back.  Oh Well!
I am not going to not speak out any longer, thank you for that.
On another note, I looked out this morning, again, to see if the moon was the same.  It was.  I was shown, and if I could draw, I would send you a picture, that it is not even 3 dimensional, but the word given to me was, omni-dimensional, with the light beams prominent all the way through the moons body, circular, and spinning rapidly.  I am sending you a telepathic picture of this.
I feel I am leaving something out and do not know what it is.
On that note, I will sign off.  Love you both much!  Rita
Celest and David
Your special message was a beautiful tribute to Chako Priest. I will say I’m sorry for your loss even though it sounds as if you are still able to see and communicate.
You two have had much change in your lives in the last few months. I feel the three of you are such great role models. I aspire to be my best as I get to know more of the two of you and now Chako Priest. My greatest desire is to be in service as you three.  It’s inspiring to hear Chako’s story as you have written it and it has set my heart (hope it’s not corny) but I want to say on “fire”.
Much love and gratitude.

Updates below here were added on 9-14-18

If you wish to send us your comments

email us at –

Hi there

We will be gathering on another “Gatherings” conference call! Please join us as you are able.

This is the evening before the longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century on Friday the 27th. 2018 (July)

After reading Chako Priest’s book entitled “The Faces Of Ascension”, which was my first glimpse into her heart (so to speak), I would like our group focus (at least part of it) to bring our open and loving hearts and as a group send her as much Light, love, and gratitude as we can, as a tribute to her life here and beyond.

Much love to all, Janet

Hello Janet, we would appreciate it if people did focus on Chako and let her know how much she was appreciated here. She suffered so much in order to have her and Jesus’s good works published. She was among “the best of the best of true human beings.”

Love, Celest and David

Thank you!  It will be done!  Just reading one of her books, I’ve felt as though she was a true embodiment of what a “mother’s” love would be. Both loving and determined (passionate). So much innocence as you stated in the article.  Incredible role model!


Note from Celest and David – To find out more about “The Gatherings” and how you too can participate please go to our Awakenedhearts website. If you wish to become a Facilitator and begin other Gathering groups please contact us a


Dear Celest and David,

I just want to bring my Gratitude to Chako and her beautiful life here, this time around!:

Thank You Chako! (I know you can ‘hear’ me) – You have been an Amazing Inspiration for me and, I am sure, to so many of us 🙂

Thank You for all the special, channelled books from You – I have many of them and still read in them from time to time, when I need an answer to issues in my life.

Take Care and see You Again, at another ‘time’ and place!

Lots of Love & Blessings,



Hi all,

During last night’s conference call, as we shared stories of some of our favorite books Chako Priest wrote, Wiesje mentioned a chapter on Mother Mary that was a favorite and was not sure which book it was in.  If you have access to “Masters Tales Of Now” you can find God and Mother Mary Chapter 2 page 7.

It’s a great read a few pages long very well written and easy to understand on living in the NOW. Thank you, Wiesje.


Remember Janet, NOW is a compilation of past, present and future spatial timing of all things happening simultaneously. It is difficult for many people to understand this but it is true. All happens at the same time. There is NO segregation on living lives ALL at the same time!  Do you see?

Love, Celest and David

Yes. It took some pondering. So everyone is playing out their dimensional level all at the same time others are living theirs. So knowing when to walk away from those who are not learning but using your energy because you have the light. Help by role model but not as a Savior or martyr.

Is that why Chako Priest was alone more and bringing in the light through herself for others instead of a few?  Thank you Janet

And just as I answered it came to me.  In the NOW present to the very activity or pondering allows one to see all choices and pick the response. Thinking out of the box and bringing truth forward. Changing evolving forward and upward. All is present and a choice.

love Janet


This morning I awoke early being lead to write what came to me about Chako raising early as her many writings came through for her to share with us all.

I feel blessed to have been introduced to her many messages from her books.

With coming into our circle of family and having the privilege of being connected with both of you Celest and David and Chako it has brought more openness to my Soul reading the words and feeling the energies that came through Chako.

I bless her on her continual path and know she is still with us on many levels even more deeply.

Thank you Chako, Celest and David for all that you are.

In much love and gratitude for being open to being here in our Golden NOW.




To Live as a Life Lived WellChako Priest /





